Sophia Housing Association
Sophia is a weaving of holistic support to enable people who are homeless to make positive differences in their lives by becoming more aware of their own strengths and potential. As well as providing accommodation, Sophia will also offer a safe place where one can seek wisdom of mind, heart, soul and spirit. Sophia is […]
Sophia is a weaving of holistic support to enable people who are homeless to make positive differences in their lives by becoming more aware of their own strengths and potential. As well as providing accommodation, Sophia will also offer a safe place where one can seek wisdom of mind, heart, soul and spirit. Sophia is an environment that welcomes people who want to step back from the many pressures of their daily lives and environments.
Sophia Housing Association first approached Echo Media in 2015 looking to stabilize their Joomla platform which had succumbed to a series of brute force attacks. In 2017 the process of re-developing the website began and the beta launch of the new site happened in November of this year without any interruption to the existing platform. A custom donations system is to be released soon and as well as other interactive features.